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Interactive material
Annelies (participatory)
1. Prélude
2. The capture foretold
3. The plan to go into hiding
8. Kyrie – Sinfonia
12. The hope of liberation
14. Anne’s meditation
Songs of humanity
L’homme armé – 1. The Armed man
L’homme armé – 5. Sanctus
L’homme armé – 10. Agnus Dei
Eternal light – In paradisum
Canon for peace
Annelies – 1. Prélude
Annelies – 2. The capture foretold
Annelies – 3. The plan to go into hiding
Annelies – 8. Kyrie – Sinfonia
Annelies – 12. The hope of liberation
Annelies – 14. Anne’s meditation
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Previous editions
Canon for peace
Soprano 1
Soprano 2
Alto 1
Alto 2
English (UK)
English (UK)